#51 - Do You "Work To Live" or "Live To Work"?
It's easy to be consumed by the perceived importance of career achievements and financial gain. But, is it necessary to sacrifice our personal life, health, and mental well-being for our career goals?
Welcome to the 51st issue of 5 Minute Friday! Every week I share a short newsletter with tips & resources to help you with your professional & personal growth & development!
Let's start "GROWING" through our human journey instead of just "GOING" through it!
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” – Dolly Parton
This week’s topics:
Do You "Work To Live" or "Live To Work"?
5 Question Friday w/ Lorilyn Wilson, CPA 📺 (new weekly video segment)
Issue #51 sponsored by
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Do You "Work To Live" or "Live To Work"?
We can get so caught up in the daily grind of our jobs and allow our careers to define who we are. Society has conditioned us to believe that work is the ultimate key to success. It's easy to be consumed by the perceived importance of career achievements and financial gain. But, is it necessary to sacrifice our personal life, health, and mental well-being for our career goals? This begs the question - Do You “Work to Live” or “Live to Work?” Let’s take a deeper dive into this topic and discuss ways to not let your job define you and how to strike a perfect work-life balance.
Do You Work to Live or Live to Work?
I feel like whether you work to live or live to work depends on your priorities in life. If survival and financial security are your foremost considerations, you would undoubtedly work to live. On the other hand, living to work means that you find joy and fulfillment in what you do on a daily basis, and your job is the core of your identity. However, both approaches can lead to burnout & fatigue & eventually affect your mental and physical health.
Redefining Work-Life Balance
Striking a perfect balance between work and personal life is essential to lead a happy and fulfilled life. The first step towards achieving this balance is, to be honest with yourself, and determine what you want to achieve in life. This clarity of thought and purpose is the foundation for the successful management of your work-life balance. A few ways to redefine your work-life balance include setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, creating a support system, and pursuing hobbies and interests that bring joy and happiness.
Avoiding Job as a Crutch for Identity
Often we define our personality and self-worth around our profession. While this may bring about a sense of accomplishment, it can also result in an unhealthy sense of attachment to our job. It is crucial to step outside your professional identity and explore other aspects of your life such as relationships, hobbies, and personal interests. Diverting your attention to other areas of your life can lead to a positive work-life balance, stronger relationships, and a healthier mindset.
Growth and Success in Life and Work
Personal and professional growth is essential for a fulfilling life. However, it's crucial to be cautious and take life at your own pace. Success in work should never be a trade-off for personal growth and development. Instead, aim for holistic growth and progress in all aspects of your life. The pursuit of both personal and professional success can be achieved through a sense of balance and harmony.
At the end of the day, all of us have unique priorities and circumstances that dictate our approach to work and life. It is important to be self-aware and understand what works best for our individual needs to achieve balance, healthy relationships, and a meaningful, fulfilling life. As much as we need to appreciate and excel in our careers, we must also prioritize our personal life and well-being. Striving for a perfect work-life balance can be a lifelong pursuit, but placing importance on a purposeful life will enrich your career and give you a more fulfilling and joyful life.
5 Question Friday (New Video Segment)
Guest: Lorilyn Wilson, CPA (https://madwomanmedia.co/)
In this video, Lorilyn takes us through her intriguing journey from college softball, through political science, to accounting. She also provides some insight into the importance of owning up to and apologizing for our mistakes, addressing misinformation on social media, and the crucial role of networking for personal and professional growth. Tune in for an inspiring story and valuable insights.
Click the banner above & to visit Mad Woman Media for done-for-you content & a weekly white-label accounting + tax newsletter for accountants.
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Stay inspired & keep growing 🚀,
Vimal (Vee-Mull)
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